Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rainy Rainy January

Well, if I told you I'm really sorry that I haven't blogged in a few days because I've been super busy, that would be a lie. Instead I have sat here after classes, talked about homework and stared at facebook. Sounds familiar, right? The difference between what I did back in Searcy and what I did here is that no one is awake on facebook. So I stare at the exact same news feed for approximately eight hours. Living the Greek life.

Apparently this is the rainy season, and also the Athens Metro workers go on strike season. So, as beautiful as Porto Rafti is, the dynamic changes when it rains for several days straight.

Okay, okay, I'm done whining, the past few days really have been good, a little bit cabin fever-inducing, but still good. I really do love everyone in my group. I have found a wonderful bakery that serves the most incredible chocolate pastry thing I've ever had in my life. I had a personal goal to try every item in the bakery, but after I ate it my personal goal changed. Now it is to eat one of those every single day that I'm here. As Kelcey said "When in Greece, gain 50 pounds." Sounds about right :). Classes have started to pick up some, I have a few goals about finishing all the assignments due at the end of the semester as soon as possible, but yet, I always find myself staring at the news feed. Maybe on trips when I don't have internet that will change and my motivation will somehow find me. It still is hard for me to process that we are here for credit so along with that comes credit. I'm sure once we get our first grades back it will start to hit.

On Friday a few girls and I went with Dr. James and Ms. Beth to the outlet mall. That was definitely a lot of fun! The things were pretty expensive still, but it was just fun to walk around and see what people here actually wear, and there were a lot of cute things! Then afterwards we went to IKEA. It was wonderful! So, that was definitely a fun afternoon :). I again said "yasas" to someone and they started spurting off in Greek. I should just learn to nod and smile and maybe they'll actually think I sort of speak it, but probably not.

Last night was a lot of fun! I again went to get another one of those pastries in the afternoon after classes (yes, classes are on Saturdays). I'm starting to get to know the woman who works there and she's been helping me learn a little bit of Greek. She always cracks up whenever I try, but in the happy I'm trying type way. My southern accent, as slight as it is, doesn't lend itself to Greek. She's super sweet though, and I'm sure that I will be seeing a lot more of her! Then last night Dr. James gave us all euros to go out to eat so six of us girls went over to the taverna we go to a lot. That was just a fun night. My favorite quote from the night is from Brook "Hey, I worked at a doggie day-care. I KNOW my dog dynamics" I don't know if I've mentioned the large amounts of dogs, but they are everywhere! They sleep outside our hotel and then just follow us wherever we go. We've named them all and have very serious conversations concerning their well being. Then after dinner we all came back and played a huge game of Sardines. Nothing better :).

Well, if you've made it to this point in my blog you're invested, so you probably want to hear about the Egypt situation. It's pretty crazy over there, I can't even really imagine being over there right now. 1000 prisoners have broken out of jail and are just running rampant over the streets. Osman, and his family have gone to Crete to stay with some family. They're trying to put in place a new government but as of now it is just pure chaos. Our trip there s still about six weeks away, so we don't really know what we're going to do as of yet. They're obviously not going to let us go there as it is now, Pepperdine already cancelled their trip for next week, but six weeks is still a long time. If we don't get to go they are probably going to try to plan another trip. We're also hopeful that the violence in Egypt doesn't move to Israel for more reasons than just we are to leave for Israel a week from today.

So, here I am, just asking you to keep that whole situation in your prayers. As much as I really want to go to Egypt and Israel, and those were really the reasons I picked Greece, a 19 year old's trip isn't what is important here. Pray for the violence to stop and for a better way of life to be worked out somehow.

I love you all so much!


  1. . . . luv your blog, Bonnie! your writing style is kinda like just-sitting-down-&-talking-with-you!!! yeah, the Egypt situation is pretty much consuming the news stations here at home---whatever happens can change other situations all over planet earth. I'm excited about all of your trips you'll take while there---that's certainly part of your education (plus a lotta fun!!!). praying for y'all lots with luv, Cathie Liles

  2. Bonnie, I'm enjoying reading your blog and am glad you're having such a great time! I'm praying for peace in that situation and hope it doesn't knock out too many of your group's plans. Love you! Aunt Brenda

  3. Also, if you could bring home one of those chocolate pastry things, that would be great -- thanks. :)
